Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank the member for the question.
As the member knows because he read the paper, there are at least four or five references to the way in which we would like to improve the programs for older workers. Unfortunately some people in the House have not read the document as yet and therefore are not fully aware of the proposals that have been made.
Furthermore, we have established in New Brunswick a job core program which is specifically designed as a strategic initiative to deal with the problem of older workers. Evaluating that project will determine whether it has application across the country, providing for a major area of redevelopment for older workers.
In reference to the specific proposal made by the hon. member, I can report to him that applications made by about 75 per cent of all laid off workers who apply in the province of Quebec under the pilot program are accepted, which is the highest level of acceptance anywhere in the country. Last year we had bought close to $200 million worth of annuities for older workers of Quebec.
It shows that the program is working effectively. As it is a federal-provincial program and we need the co-operation of the provincial government, it is going to be very important that we have the co-operation of the Quebec government to assist us in social reform, so we can have a much better older workers program.