Mr. Speaker, it is quite clear that it is imperative for Canada to legislate as soon as possible, calmly and in all fairness with respect to copyright. Of course, this is a very complex subject, but it will only increase in complexity as we travel further on the electronic highway. It will be complexified.
In terms of culture, I am particularly concerned when I hear Mrs. Hills tell us that neither the FTA nor NAFTA afford us any protection, while we had been led to believe they did. If indeed we are not protected under these agreements and the GATT agreement will prevail, this means in the short run that, before we know it, Canada will have been invaded by the American culture.
I would not want to be accused of trying to score political points here, but it is high time that the people of Canada, from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island, realize that the threat to English Canada is much greater than the threat to the francophone community in Quebec. The American culture is much more of a threat to you than to us. We are French-speaking and intend to remain so. That is why we want to leave this country which is oblivious of the fact that it is going to the dogs.
Wake up, English Canada, before it is too late and you have become Americans! Because we are your credit card, right now, and we are about to cut your financing.