No projects are left unaccounted for by CIDA.
CIDA's country to country projects are all managed within policies and procedures that ensure CIDA obtains a full accounting for funds paid to executing agencies during the life of projects and at the conclusion of projects.
All CIDA's country to country projects are over $1,000 and disbursements relating to these projects are made according to the terms and conditions of a contract or contribution agreement signed between CIDA and an executing agent. The terms and conditions also define how and when the executing agent will account for the expenditures pertaining to the project.
Subsequently each invoice, claim or financial report received is verified against the contract or the contribution to ensure it is in compliance with the terms and conditions and is then certified by the manager responsible for the project. In some instances the agency also hires public accounting firms to carry out audits of executing agents to ensure that expenditures submitted for payment are in compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract or contribution agreement and are properly accounted for.