Again, one of the Liberal members asks: "What is wrong?" What is wrong is this. In my community one of these home brew small businesses just started up as a matter of fact. The fellow saved his money, he was telling me, for something like 10 years in another business. He sold that one off. Now he is trying to establish another one. He did not get Lotto 649-type grants from the government. He did not get money from the taxpayer. He saved his money and he borrowed some more money. What is wrong with that?
Let's go to some more. Gerald's Machine Shop Limited, to purchase a computerized milling machine received $70,552. What about the other machine shops? What will be done for the other machine shops? How does small business get competitive in this world when one machine shop gets a grant, not repayable, and not the other? How does small business survive doing that? How does it stay competitive? The government has to get out of the business of handing those cash cows out to some and not others.
Let's talk about some other folks who want to establish a restaurant and bakery that got $48,000. Another person in Newfoundland got $63,560 to upgrade hotel rooms and housekeeping units