The suggestion is to check the party to which they donated. I am sure there are a lot of political hacks because we know this party likes their patronage so that would be obvious.
Let's skip Newfoundland then and go to P.E.I. In P.E.I. Broadview Properties Incorporated got to modernize their motel by upgrading furniture and equipment, et cetera, for $74,000.
Members opposite do not like what they hear. They do not like the fact that we are talking about taking care of business. The way the government takes care of business and creates equality in business is to give tax free money to some and not to others. The government's problem is that it has no idea how to be competitive. Competition to this government means giving to some and not to others. It is who you know.
In Nova Scotia 559 contracts were issued since November 4, 1993 for $27,721,000 to some and not to others. In New Brunswick, 617 contracts for $35 million were issued.
How is equity created between competing small businesses by giving to some and not to others? Your book may say a lot. It does say a lot. There are positive things in the book but you do not have what it takes to be capitalists.