Every day in Question Period I attempt to see that according to the approximate proportion each party has that they get a chance to put questions. It is not always possible in
every Question Period to recognize everyone who stands in this House, although I must say in fairness that I have no difficulty seeing the hon. member for Winnipeg Transcona.
I would respectfully request that if the hon. member wishes to pursue this case I invite him of course to see me at any time at his convenience in my chambers. I would hope that the hon. member would be a little judicious in his comments toward the Chair.
I will do the best I can to see to it that all members get fair treatment in this House as has been my want since I took this Chair. I will see if I can make improvements on my performance. I would surely urge all hon. members to seek to do the same thing in theirs.
A message from His Excellency the Governor General transmitting to the House of Commons supplementary estimates (b) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1995, was presented by the President of the Treasury Board and read by the Deputy Speaker to the House.