Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Transport keeps suggesting that the Reform Party is putting the taxpayers' money at risk in the Pearson contract. The truth is it is the government that did this by refusing to act on my proposal before this issue went to court.
Large sums of the very taxpayers' money the government claims to be concerned about is now being spent on ineffective legal roadblocks trying to delay the court action. If the minister had agreed to the proposal I sent him last month, funds could now be spent determining the truth instead of trying to cover it up.
There are many ways in which the claims against the government could be effectively reduced, particularly in the case of third party contractors. These solutions will never be found if the government continues to try and protect itself by changing the laws instead of seeking practical solutions.
I now call on the minister to meet with me so that we can arrange an alternative that will see justice done without unnecessary expense for the Canadian taxpayer.