Motion No. 1
That Bill C-57 be amended by adding after line 11, on page 3, the following new Clauses:
"3.1 The Minister of International Trade shall establish a process for consultation with the provinces regarding
(a) implementation of the Agreement wherever implementation relates to a matter within provincial legislative jurisdiction; and
(b) any matter relating to trade dispute resolution under the Agreement;
(c) any economic matter of major international significance.
3.2 Notwithstanding any provision in this Act or in the Agreement, the Governor in Council or the Minister shall not, without prior agreement of the provinces,
(a) authorize any change to the Agreement in respect of allocation mechanisms for tariff quotas;
(b) establish or implement policies for selecting trade partners to receive access to the Canadian market.
3.3 In respect of subsidized exports, the Minister shall, in implementing the commitments made by Canada under the Agreement in respect of prices and quantities, have regard at all times to actions taken in the relevant areas by foreign competitors.
3.4 In respect of agricultural products imported beyond established tariff quotas at a time of shortage of such product in domestic markets, the Minister shall take such measures as may be required from time to time, including imposition of tariffs, to ensure that such products are not imported at prices lower than those prevailing for the same products in the domestic markets."