Mr. Speaker, recently American news magazine "60 Minutes" aired a story called the "Ugly Face of Freedom". After watching the show I was appalled at the story. Normally "60 Minutes" has very high journalistic standards. This time the standards were much lower.
The story focused on anti-Semitism in the Ukrainian city of Lvov. The story talked about right-wing political movements calling for a Ukraine populated by only ethnic Ukrainians. These right-wing splinter factions are also vehemently anti-Semitic, according to the "60 Minutes" story.
The rise of right wing politics is occurring all across Europe but the groups are small in numbers. The media likes to lionize these groups as they make good press, but in their efforts to attract viewers they have slandered Ukrainians everywhere.
Ukrainians both in Canada and in Ukraine denounce the rise of these radical hate groups and call upon "60 Minutes" to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.