Mr. Speaker, recently the American television show "60 Minutes" aired a story called the "Ugly Face of Freedom" which alleged that anti-Semitism was on the rise in Ukraine.
This story slanders Ukraine and ethnic Ukrainians everywhere. To make its case it relied on historical events and interviews with radical political groups. It offered no firm evidence to prove its case. It interviewed the editor of a daily right wing ultranationalist newspaper and allowed him to voice his demented opinions but forgot to mention the number of papers that he sells.
From its lofty platform as media "60 Minutes" is allowed to broadcast its message across Canada and the United States. When people see this show on television how are they to know that it is not so?
I call on the CRTC to take steps to ensure that this kind of misinformation is not allowed to be broadcast across the border so that this type of harmful misinformation may never slander another group again.