Mr. Speaker, the hon. member has raised a point that in substance at least in its pith is correct. He says that Parliament is entitled to accurate information. I quite agree with him.
In providing answers to questions the government makes every effort to ensure the information provided in the answer is accurate. If the hon. member in his question has raised points that merit looking at, I am sure the minister of fisheries will take the matter under complete advisement.
If there is a supplementary answer or a correction to be tabled in the House, the government will have no problem whatever in doing that. Your Honour, I know the government is entitled to table supplementary answers to questions that have already been answered where it turns out that additional information comes to light or there has been some error or some misinformation.
I know that the minister of fisheries in answering these questions, as all ministers, has striven to make sure that the answers are full and complete and correct. As someone who has some role in tabling the answers in this House I work with the ministers and their staff and with the persons who provide these responses by the government to ensure that the answers are full, complete and correct.
I know there has been no attempt here to mislead. I am sure the minister of fisheries heard the hon. member's submissions and will note them and will review them. If there are corrections to be made, a supplementary answer will be forthcoming.