Mr. Speaker, I wonder if the hon. member is big enough to admit, first of all, that MIL Davie's shareholder is responsible for announcing its position on the MIL Davie corporate plan submitted by the former Quebec government. That is first and foremost the shareholder's responsibility. That is what I said several times.
Yes, there was a report. That is no secret. The Financial Post obtained it on request. That is normal. That is the position of someone who was a consultant. That is not necessarily my position or the government's. Moreover, if MIL Davie wants to succeed, it must do so on global markets. That is what I said several times here.
For any company to succeed in the modern marketplace it must produce goods at a price the world is willing to pay to acquire them. That is first and foremost for any company the responsibility of its management and its shareholders to determine.
When we hear the point of view of the Quebec government on the MIL Davie business plan, when we know whether its unions are willing to support it, perhaps then we can respond accordingly to any further request we have on their behalf.