The members opposite can beat their own drum. By doing so and by gazing at their own navel, as they are doing today, they might end up believing that Quebecers agree with their statements. This is not the case. No matter how hard they beat their own drum, it will not make their wish come true.
Members across the way say that the monetary policy of Quebec should be dictated in another country and they say this in the name of sovereignty. How does one become sovereign by having another country dictate one's monetary policy? That is what they are advocating.
They are advocating the use of the Canadian currency in a foreign country. What the members opposite want is to deprive Quebecers of the opportunity to have, in this House of Commons, a finance minister coming from their own province and who could influence the monetary policy; they want to make sure that the Prime Minister of Canada does not come from Quebec to head this country's policy, a policy they will have to adhere to under their phony draft bill.
What the members opposite are doing is shooting themselves in the foot, as the member for Nickel Belt so elegantly put it. That is the real truth. Quebecers will not be fooled. I am the thirteenth generation of Boudrias born in Quebec. Thirteenth! Out of all my ancestors and descendants, my son is the first Boudria to be born in Ontario, the fourteenth generation in Canada.
However, Quebec and the rest of Canada are his country just as Quebec and the rest of Canada are my country. This is our country and it will remain just that!