Mr. Speaker, I rise today to urge the government to give serious consideration to increasing support to our national highway system.
Currently of the $5 billion collected as federal fuel tax only about 10 per cent of the revenue is invested in the Canadian highway system. This is simply not enough. More than a third of the 24,000 kilometre national highway system in Canada does not meet minimum standards. Ensuring that the national highway system meets the standards established by the Minister of Transport would result in the creation of 200,000 direct construction jobs as well as a number of secondary benefits for those industries which rely on the road system like tourism and transportation.
Not only will there be economic advantages, I believe the revitalization of our transportation infrastructure will also result in reduced highway fatalities, loss and damage to property, as well as reducing congestion and lowering vehicle operating costs not only in my riding but in ridings across the country.
Again, Mr. Speaker, I urge this House to support the renewal of the national highway system in Canada.