Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the Minister of Finance on his initiative in making the budget preparation an open and consultative process that allows Canadians from coast to coast the opportunity to be heard and, more important, the opportunity to be consulted prior to the adoption of the budget. I hope it is reflective of the way future budgets will be prepared by all ministers of finance.
I was considering what I would do if I were minister of finance. I would ask myself the questions: How did we get into this mess in the first place and, more important, how are we going to get out of it? Canadians from every walk of life know full well that the state of the economic mess that has been collectively created must be addressed.
My first recommendation to the minister is to tell Canadians the exact state of the Canadian economy. Canadians have a right to know the state of their fiscal house.
The people of Canada and of Quebec know vigorous action is needed. Greater Montreal, which used to be a prosperous city, has been hard hit economically. Many plants have closed their doors. The unemployment rate, especially among young people, has reached unacceptable levels, and the percentage of families living below the poverty line is climbing steadily.
It is high time we got back to basics. We have to learn to live within our means, to respect every dollar that is earned and do more with much less.
Our government's aims and objectives are well known. We want to encourage economic growth and job creation, we want to protect those who cannot protect themselves and above all we want to reduce the deficit.
How to tackle the challenge? It is important not to go in for stop-gap, temporary solutions. On the contrary: our approach must be balanced, rapid and complete. And above all we must take care not to hurt the burgeoning economic recovery.
We must launch an unwavering attack on the deficit, all the while balancing our revenue sources, carefully reducing our expenditures and bolstering the economy so as to increase the growth now anticipated to reach 3 to 4 per cent.
Balancing these elements demands that Canadians undertake a thoughtful evaluation of the expectations of government. In turn government must be politically brave. We must be frugal and the mismanagement of public funds must be halted. We must go after every single dollar of savings, and duplications of services must be eliminated.
What must be the priority of the Minister of Finance? In my humble opinion the only priority is one of jobs, jobs, jobs. Government alone cannot create jobs. It must however generate and foster an environment under which the private sector can grow in order to better create those desperately needed jobs.
Government must develop a climate fostering competitive advantage. All the while it must maintain a healthy social environment.
I believe our government is on the right track with the recent signing of the NAFTA and the GATT. Canada is now well poised squarely within the new global marketplace, offering opportunities that will allow business and industry to take advantage of the new international markets.
These agreements are a good start, but I ask the Minister of Finance to live up to the government's commitment to assisting small and medium sized business. Time and time again small business has created 85 per cent of new jobs. The time has finally come to act. If the Minister of Finance wants those desperately needed jobs then the government must give those
900,000 entrepreneurs access to desperately needed capital. The requirement for personal guarantees for small business loans must be removed immediately.
The riding of Vaudreuil, which I have the privilege of representing, is composed of both rural and urban areas. The main activities of the rural part of my riding centre on corn, dairy farms and poultry breeding.
Grain producers in Vaudreuil have taken the initiative of setting up an ethanol fuel producing plant that will be financed by the business community as well as the producers themselves. Besides being a clean and environmentally friendly fuel, ethanol will assist in increasing corn production in the region, helping by the same token farmers in my riding who are in dire straits.
Such a factory would give direct full-time employment to 300 people, and its construction would create 600 jobs. The only impediment is the fuel tax, which would have to be eliminated if ethanol is to become an economical alternative to gas for automobiles.
It is very easy to increase the taxpayer's fiscal burden. But I would like to warn the Minister of Finance against the lure of easy money and urge him not to increase income tax for Canadian men and women, as they are already paying the highest taxes in the industrialized world. A report published in November 1993 by the OECD shows Canada's unenviable position among the Group of Seven; for the last three years, Canadian families have known the highest income tax increase as well as the sharpest decrease in net income.
The Minister of Finance must, therefore, look elsewhere for new revenues. Or else, and this is quite feasible, he could reduce expenditures in different fields, by restructuring the machinery of government and the way in which services are delivered.
In my opinion, the first thing to do is demand that each department justify its budget. A reward system evaluating the performance of administrators in each department should be set up. We could then estimate the savings and costs linked to the new guidelines, as well as the amount of red tape required.
We must put a stop immediately to the spending spree that several departments embark on when March 31 looms near, at the end of every fiscal year. However, let us reward thrifty administrators and penalize big spenders!
We must approach governmental services in a new way, which does not mean that government should relinquish its role or give up delivering services which Canadian men and women have come to expect from it.
Better co-operation between the three levels of government-federal, provincial and municipal-would eliminate all the waste caused by the duplication of services. The idea is not to take away any power, but to identify clearly the level of government best qualified to manage an area of jurisdiction in the most economically efficient way, with the full co-operation of the other levels of government.
By eliminating bureaucratic duplications and overlappings, we would save money at all levels. First, individuals and businesses would have to deal with less levels of government, thereby reducing their administrative costs. Second, doing away with some costly departments would mean immediate savings for taxpayers and governments alike. Third, co-operation between the federal and provincial levels of government would increase the efficiency of services provided and produce economies of scale which would entail enormous potential savings without jeopardizing the quality of those services.
Other areas I would urge the Minister of Finance to look at would be in the reassessment of all government assets: tracts of land, buildings, commercially competitive enterprises and other assets that are no longer central to the needs of restructured government.
I encourage the Minister of Finance to introduce debts bonds in which Canadians could participate, knowing that every dollar they invest would go directly to reducing the debt. With domestic borrowing interest payments will flow back into the Canadian economy thus allowing the government to reduce its external debt and retain better control of its own economy.
Another idea I would propose would be the tax lottery on gambling and winnings. I am sure every Canadian would be in agreement. Speaking of lottery, why not implement a Canadian debt lottery? It may encourage participation from Canadians who normally do not participate in lotteries. The proceeds thereof could be split between the Canadian and provincial debts based on an equitable formula.
In conclusion, economic and fiscal renewal in Canada will not be an easy task but it is far from impossible. Realistic options exist for new approaches to debt management, the administration of government and the framework it sets for economic growth. All we need is the political will and Canadians will follow.