Mr. Speaker, I commend the hon. member from the other side on his observation on what was in the Auditor General's report.
As part of what has transpired over the years, around 1970 if one were to find out how many students of native ancestry completed a university degree, the number was somewhere in the neighbourhood of 12. We now have over 6,000 people of native ancestry who are proud to have completed university degrees.
The reason they did that was they wanted to move forward in this opportunity for self-government.
I had an opportunity to meet with some of the bands recently and I can assure the House that the bands in my riding do know what aboriginal self-government means. They are headed in the right direction.
I have some concerns, as the hon. member has mentioned, about the Auditor General's report. It is one thing to write out in a report what the concerns are and another thing to see what is actually happening and then put those into practice.
On behalf of the Government of Canada, with Mr. Ron Irwin as our new minister in charge of Indian Affairs we are going to see the direction change very drastically.
I would ask the member on behalf of the constituents I represent if he feels that the budgetary process that we have needs to be overhauled? What recommendations is he prepared to make that he would see put in place through his members on the standing committee that is going to be reviewing those budgets?