Mr. Speaker, I have not prepared a speech but I served on the procedure and House affairs committee and was somewhat involved in this process. It is a very delicate issue that affects not only members in the House but all Canadians in a very deep and meaningful way.
I commend all members of all parties involved in the discussion and the process. I know it is impossible to please everyone, but I find this prayer acknowledges an almighty God. I believe this was important to the members on the committee and I believe it will be acceptable to Canadians. It also reflects our system of government, the fact that we are functioning in a parliamentary system. It also reflects that we do want to serve Canadians. We want to see our country prosper and go forward.
The process also allows for a time of reflection which I think is very important. It allows people of all faiths-and certainly I know Reformers strongly support the concept-the right to freedom of religion. By this means all members of the House are able to reflect in a way that they deem most appropriate.
Therefore, although I do not expect there is unanimous agreement that it is 100 per cent perfect in its construction, I believe that all members who look at this format believe the process is there so that they can effectively reflect and pray at the beginning of each session of the House. It properly reflects the make-up and nature of Canada.
Therefore I think there is general agreement among Reformers in the House that we would be very happy to proceed with this new structure for our Speaker's prayer.