Plus increase the police resources and enforce it. That is a fine argument, but we have not captured the people who were responsible for the smuggling in the first place. They will just find something else to smuggle now. If they knew who was doing it, why did they not arrest them prior to the price reduction?
Like the complete four point package, it is a package. I think it is a way to solve this problem. To shy away from enforcing the law-and the Minister of Justice is listening to us intently here-is backing away and shirking your responsibilities. I am not saying that the minister has shirked his responsibilities, but somehow, and I am just repeating what has been said to me by a lot of people, there is a perception that there are two sets of laws, one for native Indians and one for on reserve and off reserve natives. The RCMP has been reluctant-I am not saying it was ordered not to-to enforce the law where the law was being broken.
This is a package to eliminate all that. With respect to the members of my party who spoke out in terms of law enforcement, this is the area where the government's action has been weak; the argument about if the speed limit is being broken, then raise the speed limit and the law is not being broken any more. Let us enforce the law.