Madam Speaker, yesterday, in an answer to a question from the hon. member for Charlesbourg, I said: "I will not be able to comment on the chain of command or anything to do with the Canadian Airborne Regiment, anything that could be construed as interference in the judicial proceedings". I have a few more details to add.
I thank hon. members opposite for allowing me to add a few words to what I said yesterday to the hon. member for Charlesbourg.
As a result of the several incidents arising out of the Canadian Airborne Regiment Battle Group deployment on United Nations duties to Somalia, a series of investigations were undertaken by Canadian forces authorities.
Military police investigations into the incidents commenced on April 15, 1993. They have resulted in a series of charges under the National Defence Act being laid against members of the Canadian forces. These charges have and will result in disposition by courts martial.
As well, on April 28, 1993 the previous chief of defence staff directed that a board of inquiry be convened to investigate leadership, discipline, operations, actions and procedures of the Canadian Airborne Regiment Battle Group. Phase one of the board of inquiry is completed. Phase two will not commence before the disciplinary process which is presently under way is completed.
The evidence given at any of the courts martial will be reviewed by appropriate military authorities who will determine what, if any, further action is required.