Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. member for his question. I was not able to complete my speech. Perhaps if I had I would have been able to cover that area. The concerns raised by members of families of murder victims, when they see the murderer released early, are very significant. We would like to see provisions whereby the victim's family can appear and testify at the section 745 hearings. We would like that section removed. I would like to see it removed entirely.
The hon. member brings up a good point of whether or not a parole should be granted to someone who is sentenced to 25 years in prison. Those who have advocated section 745 and would advocate the retention of it would say yes. But then where do we stop?
If the murderer in court says: "I am sorry and I will never do it again" should that mean we should release the person? Or sentence the person to a month imprisonment? I think there is an area of penalty here that we must address and I do not think the system is addressing it.
I hope I have answered the hon. member.