Mr. Speaker, I am having a hard time believing what I just heard from the hon. member from the Reform Party.
The hon. member tells us that political party candidates should be restricted in the amounts they receive. However only days ago his leader advocated that non-political parties should have the right to campaign, to contest and to challenge MPs and others with no restrictions at all.
There is something wrong when that kind of mindset sets in. There are rules for MPs and there is no rule for the National Citizens Coalition to campaign against him and yet he has to be subject to rules far more strict than the ones we have already.
I have another difficulty with the propositions advanced by the member. He said in his opening remarks the larger the gift, the larger the price tag. That is an insult to every Canadian who contributes to the electoral process. No one is going to tell me that my constituents who are making $20,000 or $25,000 a year, who come to my annual fund raiser and give me $100 are doing it to get something in return. I do not think my constituents deserve to be insulted by the likes of that. Neither do the member's.