Mr. Speaker, this weekend more than 40,000 Canadians of Hellenic origin from all parts of Montreal will be in my riding of Saint-Denis celebrating the anniversary of Greece's independence day on March 25, 1821 and the establishment of the modern Greek state.
But this year, Mr. Speaker, Canadians of Hellenic origin have something more to celebrate.
On behalf of my constituents of Hellenic origin I wish to thank our government for playing an important role in the Balkan crisis not only in providing peacekeeping forces in the region but for encouraging all neighbouring states to seek peaceful resolution to their conflicts.
We are proud that Canada is supportive in helping to resolve the differences between Greece and its neighbours.
I would like to conclude by offering my most sincere congratulations to the members of the Hellenic community in my riding, as well as to all Canadians of Greek origin, on this important day.
Zito o Kanadas!
Long live Canada.