Mr. Speaker, today the House will conclude the second reading stage of Bill C-18. Tomorrow we will commence debate on Bill C-17, the budget implementation bill. If this is not concluded tomorrow we will resume debate on this bill after the Easter adjournment on April 11.
After Bill C-17 is given second reading, we will call legislation as follows: report stage and third reading of Bill C-9 regarding economic affairs, Bill C-4 respecting the NAFTA side deals, and Bill C-2 regarding Revenue Canada.
We would then turn to the second reading debates on Bill C-7 regarding the control of certain substances and C-11 respecting tobacco.
If Bill C-18 were to be reported from the standing committee before we have completed this list, we would of course return to its consideration at the report stage and third reading. This would then put us in a position to proceed with the government's motion to ask the procedure committee to prepare a bill addressing issues connected with the redistribution process.
Finally, it is our intention to devote a day soon after our return to a general debate on agriculture. Depending on the progress of legislation, that debate could be held late in the first week we are back or, failing that, during the first week of May.