So, this concerns every province. For instance, and members from Newfoundland will surely be interested by this, 1,635 people in that province will be affected by the increase in the entrance requirement and 1,370 will be affected by the reduction in the maximum benefit period.
Prince Edward Island is also hit hard. And so is New Brunswick, with particularly striking effects. In that province, 1,155 people will be affected by the first measure and 1,335 by the second. In the case of Quebec, 4,880 people will be affected by the reduction in the maximum benefit period.
You can thus understand that, under the circumstances, I am indignant about these changes we are asked to approve for the unemployment insurance program. I am thinking of the MIL Davie workers, whose numbers dropped from 3,000 to about 1,500 in six months. Six months from now, only 300 will remain employed; all the others will have to live on unemployment insurance benefits, which will have been reduced by these changes.