Mr. Speaker, I was pleased when I read the motion. In the beginning I searched to see whether it was from the member for Saskatoon-Clark's Crossing or put forward by the Minister of Human Resources Development.
Of course, as we know, the two hon. members have the same surname, and that has caused some confusion. I thank the hon. member opposite for fully supporting this government's policy, seeing that by and large, what he is proposing in his motion is in fact what this government is seeking, and indeed has undertaken, to do.
I am sure the hon. member across has read the red book. I say that because of the way his motion is written. He has inspired himself with Liberal policies. I am very glad though that he has done so. I do not agree with the text of his presentation to the House today but I do agree with his motion.
For instance, today he complimented the provincial government of Saskatchewan for its social policy. My very distinguished colleague from the riding of Prince Albert has just informed me that a number of hospitals were closed in his riding alone. Can you imagine that? That is the kind of policy that gets praise from the member for Saskatoon-Clark's Crossing.
He also complimented the NDP generally. I am sure it was an oversight on his part. I cannot for the life of me think of anyone wanting to compliment Bob Rae for any of his policies, particularly social policy, job creation policy and tax policy, in the province where you and I have the honour and privilege to represent constituents, namely the province of Ontario.
In my area in Ontario we have seen the devastation of NDP provincial policies. We have seen what they have done to our area. It is more than a passing coincidence that every single NDP candidate, every single NDP MP in Ontario without exception, was soundly defeated. That tells you something. The NDP in my riding got approximately 4 per cent of the votes. That tells you what the people thought of that party.
I get back to the motion because it is a good motion. I want to read portions of the red book. I know that all members of the House will consider it a privilege. Reading from page 22 of the red book, let me read the following:
The federal and provincial governments share common problems of too much government debt, too much foreign owned debt, and too high borrowing requirements, domestically and internationally. All three levels of government put the burden of these problems on the same taxpayer who is subject to taxes on income, capital and consumption. To this list governments add other charges in the form of licences, permits, user fees, and additional payroll deductions. A Liberal government will work closely with the provincial governments to achieve maximum possible co-ordination of tax policies.
That is just the kind of thing that is advocated in the motion. I read further, Mr. Speaker, from the red book because I know that you would want me to do this. It says the following:
In the first session of the new Parliament the Liberal government will give the all party finance committee of the House of Commons a 12-month mandate to consult fully with Canadians and provincial governments and to report on the ways to achieve tax fairness, simplicity and harmonization.
That is the exact thing that is asked for in the motion. Let me read the motion a little bit here. It says:
That the government should consider the advisability of ensuring that the reform of the tax system is harmonized and integrated with review and reform-
And so on. This is exactly what our government is doing. I am sorry I was interrupted in my reading of the red book and we should never do that to the red book. I continue:
In particular, the committee will be mandated to report on all options for alternatives to the current GST. A Liberal government will replace the GST with a system
that generates equivalent revenues, is fairer to consumers, to small business, minimizes disruption to small business and promotes federal-provincial fiscal co-operation and harmonization.
So, you see, Mr. Speaker, that is what the Liberal Party was suggesting during the last election campaign and we, of course, had made our intentions known in the red book, from which I have just quoted.
But that is not all, Mr. Speaker. As you know, earlier this year, the Minister of Finance tabled a budget, a budget that this House has passed.
In this budget, we have made good our promises, if not all at least most of our election promises, and this just in the first year of our mandate. So, you see, Mr. Speaker, I think that on the strength of this first budget alone, this government would deserve to be re-elected. Of course, in the years to come, we will give the public many more reasons to re-elect us, as the hon. members opposite will learn to appreciate.
In our red book, and again in the budget, we promised to bring the deficit down to 3 per cent of GDP within three years. There it is, in the budget.
Also in the budget: to implement a national program to renew infrastructure; restore funding for the National Literacy Program; establish a Youth Service Corps; provide new youth internship and apprenticeship programs; improve access to capital for small business; replace the GST; re-institute the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program; create a Canadian information highway. As you can see, Mr. Speaker, I could go on and on. Perhaps I should: set up a Technology Partnership Program; launch an Engineers and Scientists Program, and so on.
These are all things that we had promised in the red book, electoral promises that we are acting on.
There are two main thrusts. The first one is to make the tax system better, more balanced and more in line with our social programs.
I will now outline the second.
The hon. Minister of Human Resources Development proposed to this House a change in the system in which we deliver social programs. Much to the chagrin of some opposition members, we are proceeding to do exactly what the motion is asking us.
The Minister of Human Resources Development has mandated a committee to do some work. Stage one of that will be hearings by this committee, federal-provincial and territorial labour market and social services ministers to meet and to discuss this, later on a task force to advise the minister and then an action plan to be drafted and presented in this House.
I congratulate the member for Saskatoon-Clark's Crossing for supporting so wholeheartedly the policies of our government.