Mr. Speaker, as for milk production in Quebec, the question was raised-
-at least two times. Of course under the supply management system Quebec has been advantaged in terms of milk production. It is the only advantage in agriculture Quebec has had under the present system.
Because of the fact that the federal government has been inept in maintaining article XI, supply management is the thing of the past as the hon. member knows. The farmers in Quebec, organized as they are, better than any other agricultural organization in Canada, are positioned to make such that the milk production will be sold in other countries. We cannot work any more in the supply management sector, only because the federal government has not.
One other thing about inequity in terms of the expenses of the federal government is it is not as though people in Quebec are not generous people. We recognize the principle that when one province is poorer than the other we try to be generous. That is not the issue. The issue is disloyal competition.
This form of inequity which has been going on for decades in Canada has disadvantaged Quebec in a disloyal way. That is to say, in those areas where Quebec has had a marked advantage like in pork production, moneys were being used by the federal government to develop industries competitive to Quebec in other provinces.
That is not a question of simple inequity. It is disloyal competition. That has been one of the problems with the farmers in Quebec.