Mr. Speaker, I take note of the comments the hon. member and his colleague made in the last few minutes.
I would like to assure the previous speaker that as far as the whole farm and the safety net program are concerned we do have a 17 person national committee. By far the majority of people on that are farmers from across Canada. I do not think anyone can say that in the development of the whole farm program in Canada the farmers do not have a voice. We are consulting. I do not know how we could consult any more on those types of things.
In response to the speaker just before him, I would like to announce to the House we know in government that we do have a lot of problems at the present time with grain handling in western Canada.
A number of us have spoken to the minister in China this morning. The minister has asked me to announce that tomorrow he will be inviting a number of key people from the grain industry to meet with him immediately, as quickly as the date can be arranged upon his return from China, to talk about all those issues, all those problems and all of those challenges in the grain handling situation in western Canada.
I hope the opposition will be pleased with that and will have input for us as members on that matter.