Yesterday I was asked to consider and rule on two points of privilege and a point of order. I am now prepared to rule on the point of order and I will be ruling on the points of privilege later on.
I have had a chance to look over the "blues" and Hansard from yesterday with regard to statements which were made in the heat of debate. At the time the hon. Minister of Industry in a comment quoted Shakespeare.
Now I, as a former teacher, am far from ever criticizing anyone for using quotes, especially from Shakespeare. However, in the context in which the words were used, I have of course done research and I find the words in the context in which they were used are in my view unparliamentary.
I would invite the hon. Minister of Industry to reconsider the words he used. In fact I would ask him to withdraw the statement which he made yesterday on page 3648 when he referred to the hon. member for Roberval.
The hon. Minister of Industry is in the Chamber and I would invite him to withdraw.