The hon. member for Restigouche-Chaleur has raised a point for invoking Standing 73 in relation to Bill C-216, the item standing in his name on the Order Paper for today's Private Member's Business.
Standing Order 73 states in part: "Immediately after the reading of the order of the day for the second reading of any public bill, a minister of the crown may propose a motion that the said bill be forthwith referred to a standing, special or legislative committee. The Speaker shall immediately propose the question to the House and proceedings thereon shall be subject to various conditions".
The terms of the standing order in my view are very clear. The prerogatives under Standing Order 73 are given to ministers of the crown. As such, they cannot be invoked by private members and the Chair cannot therefore accept the hon. member's argument at this time.
I would however point out to the hon. member that he does raise a very interesting point for the Chair. I would like to take at least some time to go through the precedents on this matter and come back to the House. In the meantime, I would suggest that the hon. member proceed with his private member's bill for today and I will get back to the House after further deliberation.