Mr. Speaker, all Canadians should know that the small business sector in Canada is responsible for the creation of well over 80 per cent of all new jobs. Clearly the renewal of our economy depends on strong and vibrant small businesses.
Our government has recognized this fact and is working toward a stable climate so small business can grow and thrive. We will achieve this by improving the Small Businesses Loans Act, working with the banks to make capital more accessible, and lowering payroll taxes. Further we will reduce the burden of government red tape that chokes small business growth. After all government must work in partnership with the business community, not pretend to be its master.
Small business owners in my riding have often told me they are anxious for the day when the onerous bureaucratic load imposed on them by government is a thing of the past. For example, the government remains committed to the goal of replacing the GST with one that is more efficient and fair, easier to administer, and much more convenient for small business. The government takes its commitments seriously and will fulfil its promises.