Mr. Speaker, I would like to address a few words today on the subject of Rwanda.
The massacres that have engulfed Rwanda since April 6 have already cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of children, women and men, while millions of others are streaming out of the area or country in terror.
The needs of displaced families and those stranded in their urban homes are increasing as time goes on. Fresh food is not readily available. Stocks of medical supplies are rapidly being depleted. And the lack of clean water is complicating an already explosive situation.
Sanitation and lack of access to clean water have been the most serious problems facing displaced people in urban areas in Rwanda and has also been a threat to the refugees in camps in Burundi and Tanzania.
Health problems are also escalating, mainly respiratory infections, diarrhea and malaria, which have been traditional ailments in refugee camps.
Shortly after the Rwandan conflict broke out Canada assumed a leadership role. First of all, Canada's Department of National Defence operates the only relief flights going into Kigali. Second, CIDA has promptly responded to appeals by the Red Cross and international non-government organizations for emergency aid to assist those in desperate need.
Canadian aid amounting to $4 million has already flowed into Rwanda through emergency organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders.
In addition to this the UN peacekeeping forces in Rwanda are currently under the direction of a Canadian, Major-General Romeo Dallaire, who has requested and obtained an increase in UN troops and an enlarged mandate in order to protect humanitarian operations.
Canada pressed the Security Council of the United Nations in order to have the UN more actively engaged in a search for a resolution of this disastrous conflict.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs has taken the initiative of asking for a special session of the UN Human Rights Commission. At this very moment this special session is addressing the situation in Rwanda on an urgent basis.
After consultation with Canadian NGOs last week I am pleased to announce today on behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs that Canada will contribute $7.606 million in supplementary humanitarian assistance to the victims of this terrible conflict in Rwanda. This new contribution will be allocated as follows: $4.856 million, representing 64 per cent of the envelope, will go to nine Canadian non-governmental organizations operating in Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and Zaire; the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies will receive $750,000 in Uganda and Tanzania; and the United Nations High Commission for Refugees will receive $2 million for its activities in Tanzania.
These CIDA funds will help fulfill basic needs like drinking water, sanitation, shelter and health care. Our aid workers and military personnel are doing their very best to maintain a lifeline to the victims of this tragedy. Canada is determined to continue to support their efforts through the UN system, the Red Cross movement and Canadian non governmental organizations operating in the region.
I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to those many Canadians who are part of the aid agencies, non-governmental organizations and peacekeeping forces in this region of Africa. Let us not forget that these women and men risk their lives every day in order to relieve the suffering of a truly tortured people.
I would also like to give recognition on behalf of the Government of Canada to those countries that have most generously welcomed the growing numbers of refugees that stream across their borders every day.
In conclusion, I want to join all Canadians in praying that the many efforts currently undertaken by the international community will lead to resolution of the conflict in Rwanda and that a peaceful dialogue will assume its place.