Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for his question. I know how crucial this issue is for British Columbia and how important it is to the hon. member.
Let me begin by saying that we are very concerned with the position of the U.S. government. Its position on fishing arrangements is completely unreasonable. It wants more Canadian fish but wants us to take less of its fish. It wants Canada to help conserve its fish stocks but is not prepared to help us to conserve ours. It wants increased access to Canadian salmon when its stocks are low but denies Canadians the same treatment.
Its position on the equity principle is also completely unreasonable. According to the Pacific salmon treaty the principle of equity means that each country is entitled to fisheries benefits which are equivalent to its own production of salmon.
This fair balancing has never been implemented by the U.S. The current imbalance against Canada has almost doubled in the last four years and we are now in a deficit position of approximately $65 million a year. Instead of recognizing this imbalance the U.S. position is that for this year it wants to increase the deficit to $100 million.
Canada's position is clear. We are doing everything possible to ensure that we negotiate terms with the U.S. which are fair and responsible for both countries.
The Prime Minister has raised this matter with President Clinton who has agreed to become involved. The Canadian negotiator recently met with the state governors who have agreed to pursue the matter further with the U.S. administration.
The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans is currently in Washington, D.C., meeting with U.S. congressmen and senior officials. The province of British Columbia has agreed to assist in putting the Canadian case before U.S. opinion makers.
Barring these extensive measures, Canada's position is equally clear. We are not prepared to allow the U.S. to continue to reap the rewards while Canada bears the burdens. For too many years Canada has put off until the next year taking a firm line with American negotiators.
I want to make it perfectly clear that this year that will not be the case.