Mr. Speaker, having yesterday returned from a special joint defence committee visit to our Canadian forces servicemen and women in Bosnia and Croatia, I want to report that we found them enthusiastic about their role and activities in that theatre.
Although only recently rotated into the region, they have quickly and effectively adapted to their conditions and the situation in which they perform their duties. They have rapidly learned about the area for which they are responsible and the people with whom they must negotiate to achieve a peaceful resolution of the many problems encountered.
Our forces are required to display copious quantities of resolution, diplomacy, patience, compassion and understanding and once again they have risen to the task.
The local people respect them for their professionalism, their dedication, their impartiality and firmness.
Although we are a long way from achieving a solution to the problem, all Canadians can take pride in the part that Canada, through our Canadian forces, is playing in the former Yugoslavia.