Motion No. 31
That Bill C-17, in Clause 26, be amended: a ) by replacing line 22, on page 13, with the following:
"48.1 (1) Notwithstanding section 48, the rate"; b ) by replacing lines 25 to 27, on page 13, with the following:
"(a) for the five month period beginning on January 1, 1994, 3.07 per cent of insurable earnings in that period;
(b) for the seven month period beginning on June 1, 1994, 3 per cent of insurable earnings in that period; c ) for the year 1995, 3 per cent of insurable earnings in that year; and d ) for the year 1996, 3 per cent of insura-''; and c ) by adding after line 31, on page 13, the following:
"(2) For the purposes of applying subsection 50(1), section 51, paragraph 75(1)( p ) and subsection 75(5) in respect of the year 1994, each period referred to in paragraphs (1)( a ) and ( b ) shall be deemed to be a year within the meaning of those provisions.''