Mr. Speaker, I agree that what we want and what Canadians want are jobs. I agree with the hon. member-and I congratulate him on his remarks-that the problem we are facing today is job shortage combined with difficulties starting up new businesses. I agree that this makes for a very difficult situation.
I must add that it is very difficult for a government with a $500 billion plus debt to ignore the national debt, to ignore the deficit and to create jobs to help businesses. Not all programs are frozen. There is the unemployment insurance program and other programs he mentioned. That is why it is very important to get a report on this, a report that the Minister of Human Resources Development and member for Winnipeg-South Centre is presently working on. We must try and change the system and help the unemployed find work instead of providing assistance directly to them in the form of money.
I know that there will be differences of opinion in this House between parties, between members from either side of this House. Differences could even be expressed between members from the same party. I must say however that, like the hon. member who just spoke, I am convinced there is a need to provide jobs for Canadians who are presently out of work.
The only thing I can say to finish answering his question is that I wish I could come before this House and announce that we have money to do this or that or a new program to implement. I really wish I could. Unfortunately, there is this debt, this absolutely enormous debt we have, and a deficit which is much too high. Given this burden we have inherited from the previous government, this burden which has become huge, especially with this problem, we cannot do all we would want to do. What we are trying to do is to plan structural changes such as those the Minister of Human Resources Development will submit to this House in the coming months and try to spend the money available as wisely and efficiently as possible.
I do hope the hon. minister and myself, as well as other hon. members and ministers, will have the chance to discuss the best way to use what little money we can devote to this task.