Mr. Speaker, last Friday over 500 people gathered in rural Saskatchewan to mark the designation of Quill Lakes as an international site in the western hemisphere shorebird reserve network.
Prairie wetlands are vital habitat for shorebirds and waterfowl. Prudent management of delicate ecosystems like the Quill Lakes is crucial to the survival of many North American migratory species.
The designation of Quill Lakes will help Canada meet its international commitment as a signatory to the global convention on biological diversity.
The Quill Lakes designation is an accomplishment in partnerships. This project succeeded because of co-operation at all levels of government, international, federal, provincial and municipal. Experts, officials and local citizens co-operated to safeguard this wetland area.
There is good news. I am told that on Friday one keen-eyed participant spotted a piping plover, one of the endangered species that will benefit from the project.