Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support parts of the Bloc's motion. After listening to the rhetoric that has gone on here today, I kind of get lost.
I enjoy the comments from the other side. I would like to refer specifically to two matters that have importance to western economic development: first, the federal government's prolonged inaction regarding dumping of apples grown in Washington state; second, the federal government's seemingly perpetual bungling of the handling of grain.
On Monday, May 9 more than 400 fruit growers gathered at the Canada-U.S. border crossing near the small community of Osoyoos in British Columbia to protest the government's lack of action regarding an extremely perishable agricultural commodity, apples, which are no longer being protected against unfair marketing practices by American growers due to contradictory actions by the federal government.
According to an article in the Osoyoos Times :
When the dumping of U.S. apples occurred in 1987 and 1989, apple growers in B.C. lost more than $10 million, according to the association. But Ottawa responded by placing apples under the Special Import Measures Act, a five-year plan protecting orchardists against dumping. However, in February of this year the Canadian Import Trade Tribunal chose not to renew the plan, leaving growers vulnerable to what they call unfair competition.
Imagine what would have happened to fishermen on the east coast when federal legislation providing special support to them called the northern cod adjustment recovery package expired on May 15 if the federal government had simply done nothing.
When the legislation expired, hundreds of fishing families, the main economic support of their communities, would have faced bankruptcy. Rather than let this happen, the government brought in the Atlantic groundfish strategy, or TAGS. While I cannot speak wholeheartedly in favour of TAGS, I do recognize that a responsible federal government cannot expect major sectors of the Canadian economy to go cold turkey from wide scale government support and government control to full fledged, free enterprise overnight.
Yet this is exactly what is happening to apple growers in British Columbia. Their industry was protected, and with not one effort to prepare growers for the sudden transition that protection was withdrawn.
The Reform Party is strongly in favour of free trade but we emphasize that it must be fair trade. In the long run we in the Reform caucus look forward to the time when Canadian agriculture can thrive in a free market economy but we recognize that this time has not yet come.
Okanagan fruit growers must not simply be thrown to the wolves or Canada may soon face the situation in which having apple tree in the backyard is merely a hobby and all commercial fruit must be imported. I believe that is totally unacceptable. The Reform caucus urges the government to recognize that there must be an orderly transition to tomorrow's world of free trade. In the interim, B.C. fruit growers face great economic hardships which will result in many of them going bankrupt.
I hear the hon. member on the other side basically suggesting that there should be no support given to the B.C. Okanagan fruit growers. According to David Hobson, president of the B.C. Fruit Growers' Association: "Farm families cannot sustain another year of dumping".
At the B.C. rally on May 9, B.C. provincial government representatives, including Okanagan-Boundary MLA Bill Barlee, former B.C. agriculture minister and now B.C. minister of small business, as well as Okanagan East MLA Judy Tyabji pointed out that fruit growers have become entangled in a conflicting maze of B.C. and federal policies.
More thoughtful government policies could moderate many economic consequences of the shift to a competitive world of free market. The lack of competitiveness from either B.C. fruit growers or west coast grain handlers is not due either to the farmers and workers involved nor to the conditions supplied by mother nature.
Canada has been recognized around the world for the high quality of our tree fruit, particularly our apples. Our growers and our agricultural researchers deserve much credit for their dedication and hard work. We are blessed with abundant water as well as soil and climate that provide some of the best growing conditions in the world both for grain on the prairies and for the tree fruit industry, especially in the Okanagan Valley which historically has provided approximately one-third of Canada's apples.
The future of Canada's horticultural industry should be bright. Instead we have growers who face a troubled and uncertain future due to the lack of wisdom in the way govern-
ment has dealt with the problems of our farms and orchards on one hand and the transportation of grain on the other hand.
In the past government took the easy route. If a problem emerged it would throw tax dollars at it. If west coast grain handlers went on strike or elevator operators locked the union out, the federal government would wait whatever it considered the appropriate amount of time to give lip service to free market forces. Then Parliament would be called on once again as we were this spring to legislate an end to the strike.
I voted in support of the back to work legislation with the specific suggestion that the House must develop a long term solution to problems of handling grain. According to the Edmonton Journal for May 17 the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food noted ``a wrinkle in the Western Grain Transportation Act'' which sometimes makes it cheaper to haul grain east to Thunder Bay before shipping it west to qualify for cheaper rates. That is the kind of unrealistic nonsense that can result from federal government intervention.
To compensate for time lost in this spring's grain handlers strike, complicated by a lack of hopper cars earlier this year because of grain shipment disruptions in the U.S.A. due to flooding in the Mississippi River valley, west coast grain terminals are now being operated on a seven-day per week basis at full overtime rates. Such seven-day per week operation has long been necessary to handle the increasing volumes of grain going through west coast ports. In response to requests for seven-day coverage the federal mediator to the previous west coast grain handlers strike allowed it on condition that the terminal operators pay full overtime rates for weekend work even if weekend hours were to form part of the regularly scheduled work week, according to the terminal operators.
In the world of free trade and strong international competition prairie grain pools cannot hope to remain competitive with emerging suppliers from other countries under those conditions. It is obvious that a long term resolution to such problems must be found.
The minister of agriculture indicated he was interested in such action with a meeting he scheduled two weeks ago with officials from the grain companies, west coast terminal operators and union and federal grain agencies. After the meeting the Alberta agriculture minister said the immediate concerns about the grain backlog left little time for discussing long term plans. He said: "We just managed to scratch the surface in a tentative way".
For the prairie communities and railroads and the 3,500 west coast grain handlers who were subject to special legislation in 1974, 1975, 1982, 1988, 1991, and again in 1994, these make-do meetings are simply not good enough.
Productivity of wheat, productivity per man hour of the grain handlers and the demand for wheat among the Pacific rim customers are growing. Both wheat and the production of apples are important regional aspects of the Canadian economy. For example, the fresh and processed fruit and vegetable industry has an annual production that exceeds $4 billion. The fresh fruit and vegetable sector alone accounts for $1.8 billion.
Regarding wheat, according to green matters, I quote: "The Far East and Oceania, home to 3.2 billion consumers, could account for 40 per cent of world wheat trade by the end of the century. Population and income growth, increased urbanization and the resulting dietary shift away from rice are expected to lead to greater use of wheat based products. Canada could secure as much as 30 per cent of this market".
The Canadian horticultural action plan published by agriculture Canada in 1993 recommended that agricultural policies be changed in several areas. Currently the federal government has piecemeal agricultural policies which see wide differences from province to province.
In conclusion, overall the Reform Party caucus is in favour of as little federal government intervention in our regions as possible. However, we recognize that in the transition from yesterday's heavily supported and controlled economy to tomorrow's world of free trade, orderly, thoughtful and reasonable steps must be taken to ensure that survival, particularly of Okanagan apple growers and prairie grain producers, are looked at in a different light. The federal government's intervention is often inefficient at best and harmful to regional development.