Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I rise in the House today in my capacity as captain of the MPs basketball team to issue this statement prepared by the diligent pages of the House of Commons. They write:
"A basketball game between members of Parliament and House of Commons pages took place last night. This was a hard fought and enthusiastically played match featuring high-flying MPs from the government, the Bloc and the Reform Party as well as pages from all regions of Canada.
The MPs relied on their team work, experience, and polished moves while the pages used their talent, depth and youthfulness to their advantage.
The outcome of this hotly-contested match was in doubt from the beginning, but in the end the MPs were able to edge out the pages by a slender margin.
The victory was sweet but as members of this House should note this is no time to rest on your laurels as you will all be a year older next season and will have to contend with a new group of younger pages.
This game proved to be an excellent opportunity for members and pages to work off some energy and to get to know each other outside the House of Commons.
For those members who were unable to attend there is always next year as this has now become an annual event.
Again thank you to all those who participated. It was a game enjoyed by all.
the Pages"