Mr. Speaker, I rise to acknowledge that this week is Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Week.
Having worked with injured workers in Ontario for many years, I know of the hardship and suffering caused by workplace
injuries. The sad reality is that every 12 working hours of the year one Canadian worker is killed on the job.
In 1992, 714 workers died in the course of their duties; over 864,000 workers were injured; and more than 19 million working days were lost. This is not only a terrible human waste; it is also an economic waste. When we add up the direct and indirect costs of workplace accidents over $10 billion are wasted annually.
During Occupational Health and Safety Week one message to Canadians will be that increased training, education and information are needed to combat this problem. Another message is that occupational health and safety are directly related to the economic health of Canadian business.
I urge all members of the House to join with business and with labour in ending this tragic and unnecessary waste of human and economic resources.