Mr. Speaker, after all of that I should be allowed another 15 minutes for sure.
I will respond to the hon. member. He talked about disinformation but I think all the disinformation comes from that side of the House. We were talking about it and the way it actually is. He brought out some stats from Stats Canada. If you listen to the dates, Mr. Speaker, he was comparing the numbers before the introduction of Bill C-32, before the government reduced the excise taxes.
I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that cigarette smoking will go up because the price has come down dramatically. Stats Canada said that there is a direct relationship. There is no doubt in my mind that smoking will go up especially among young people and we now find especially among young women.
He is talking about more than one set of laws in this country. Yesterday we were trying to point that out to the members over there and they invoked closure so we could not get our point across.
However, the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development introduced a law that says natives in this country, in Yukon and so on, under the agreements in Bills C-33 and C-34 are exempt from the charter of rights, yet everybody else in this country is under the charter of rights. Therefore, obviously there are two sets of laws in this country for two different groups. That addresses the wider range and also the narrow situation regarding the reserves that straddle the border.
I remember the Minister of National Defence sitting in this House when there was discussion and debate about some shooting at a helicopter that was flying over the reserve to monitor or do something regarding the smuggling problem. They were so afraid to take any action. He said that it was okay to shoot at the helicopter as long as you did not hit it.
The Minister of National Defence, who has all the resources at his disposal, said that it is okay to shoot at us as long as you do not hit us because we do not want to retaliate. Anyone else in this country who takes a potshot at government property and government personnel, you can bet your boots that they are going to answer for it in court. Yet the minister says as long as they were not hit it did not matter.
In answer to the hon. member's question, the disinformation is coming from over there. Look at the facts. This is a serious situation.
I will finish up by saying a nation must defend its borders and enforce its laws and that is the basic, fundamental principle that has been abused. This government should ensure that these things are looked after or make sure that the laws that are not enforceable are not applied or not introduced.