Mr. Speaker, it is with great pleasure I announce to the House that during the summer break the city of Winnipeg won the bid to host the 1999 Pan-American Games. We view the games as an opportunity to bring the world to our doorstep, to extend friendship and to exchange cultural traditions with our close cousins in the American hemisphere.
Indeed showcasing Canada to the world by hosting international games contributes immeasurably to forging international bonds. At the same time it instils in Canadians a sense of national pride and unity and a better understanding of the diversity of linguistic and cultural identities.
It will be a great celebration in 1999. Winnipeg has a long tradition of excellence in playing host to major events. I am proud to have had the opportunity to work with the excellent co-chairs Don Mackenzie and Barbara Huck, the mayor of the city of Winnipeg, the premier and the numerous volunteers to bring the games home again.
I would like to say a special thanks to the Prime Minister for supporting the bid to its success.