On your copy of the Projected Order of Business for today you will read:
Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition, Minister moving the motion and Member replying immediately after the motion-unlimited time.
All other Members-20 minute maximum and speeches are subject to a 10 minute question and comment period.
I would also refer you to Standing Order 43(1):
Unless otherwise provided in these Standing Orders, when the Speaker is in the Chair, no Member, except the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition, or a Minister moving a government order and the Member speaking in reply immediately after such Minister, shall speak for more than twenty minutes-
In this case orders of the day read that the first two speakers have unlimited time. As a member responding for the Reform Party he had unlimited time with no questions and no comments.
Because the wording reads "only a member replying immediately after the minister", we will allow the usual question and comment period for the member for Red Deer.