Mr. Speaker, I hope it is evident from my responses earlier today that the approach we are taking will deal with just the issue the hon. member has described. We will deal with the presence of illegal firearms in the country in a comprehensive and effective way. We will toughen the response of the criminal justice system to those criminals who use firearms in the commission of offences.
However I am not one of those who believes this issue is rural or urban in its division. I believe, as I think many others do, that those persons who live in rural areas are just as concerned as the urban dwellers with their personal security and safety. The facts establish that the per capita homicide rate from firearms over 10 years based on 5,000 deaths is higher in the rural areas of this country than it is in the urban areas. So we must pay attention to both the urban and the rural setting. Ultimately the bottom line for this government is the safety of this society.