The member opposite is making a lot of noise. He knows that very well. He has been talking about how to get businesses economically viable again. He might give some thought to how we can do that. It certainly is not by another big, fat, thick layer of red tape for businesses.
The fifth reason is the legislation places undesirable coercion on businesses to be good co-operators with bureaucrats. Surely we have seen enough in other countries where bureaucrats make life miserable for people who are working and running businesses.
Here we have another instance in which if you are not a good little business person you will be punished, harassed, hassled. You will be given all kinds of requirements and restrictions and will have to fill out more forms and have some pointy headed bureaucrat breathing down your neck before you can even do your job of running your business. Why would we have this kind of coercion and interference to the people of our country?
The sixth reason is it violates the principles of natural justice. To me this is a huge area. It says we are not all equal before the law, that some of us are more equal than others. It contravenes the basic democratic principle that everyone is entitled to a fair trial. Instead we have an employment equity tribunal, which is like a kangaroo court from which there is no appeal at all and which does not even have fixed rules of law under which to operate. Incredibly enough, it also entitles search and seizure of business records and business premises in order to ensure compliance.
Last, I point to the undue haste with which this legislation has been put in place. Other speakers have mentioned this but even in committee it was not properly looked at. It was not properly debated. This is not the way to put good legislation in place for our country.
I am afraid it is a futile effort because we know the top echelons of the Liberal Party have told their backbenchers that everyone has to vote for this legislation. I urge us to look at what is best for the country for a change instead of having a knee-jerk vote, putting in bad legislation and having all the problems I have just mentioned down on the heads of a country that is already struggling.