Mr. Speaker, I guess the comments of the hon. member deserve some reply. I am not sure he has raised a valid point of order, but I submit in respect of the procedure on this bill and others that are dealt with in this way that hon. members are able to go to the committee to which the bill stands referred. Hon. members are also in a position to move amendments to the bill in the House at report stage.
There was an extensive debate at report stage. There was extensive debate at third reading. Indeed third reading debate was extended today by unanimous consent because some members apparently missed an opportunity to speak last evening. The government has been most solicitous in its efforts to ensure fair and reasonable debate on all aspects of the bill.
I submit the procedure followed was correct and in accordance with the rules. If the hon. member is suggesting-although I do not think I heard it in his comments-that there was in any way a problem with the procedure, I think if he looks at it and sees what happened in the committee he will agree there was not really a point of order.