I want to come to Your Honour's assistance in this regard. I think your decision in June was quite correct, as I am sure all hon. members do.
Wearing pins and ribbons in the House is a longstanding tradition as far as I can understand, certainly since I have been here. I do not consider that a long time ago by standards of others. With great respect, there is a difference between pins and large buttons with highly visible insignia constituting a demonstration.
Difficulties occur when members hold up papers, documents or things that constitute a demonstration in the House or when they wear substantial buttons, placards or other symbols that carry with them words or letters transmitted by television as a message.
Your Honour's ruling last June indicated that buttons which carry a message and were visible to the public were contrary to the standards of dress in the House. With great respect, I think Your Honour drew a distinction between those items and small buttons or pins that members wear not readily visible on television and which may convey a message but are very small and discreet.
The trick to me in dressing for the Chamber is to dress in a decorous way that may involve wearing small pins, possibly unusual ties from time time. I consider myself guilty sometimes on that score. Those are the things members are allowed to do. As long as it is tasteful I submit it is right. I think that was Your Honour's intention. I know members opposite, in making their points, are really supporting Your Honour's view in that regard.