Mr. Speaker, two years ago yesterday over two million Canadians voted overwhelmingly for change by electing 52 Reformers. We have a vision for a new, revitalized country based on more effective democratic accountability, fiscal sanity, a justice system that works, and a decentralized federation that responds more effectively to regional and personal needs.
Today many Quebecers are considering giving up on Canada. I urge them not to. I urge them to vote no on Monday, to stay together as a country and join with Reformers in all provinces to build a new confederation and a new Canada.
We believe in a strong country, a strong federation of equal people and equal provinces and less interference in our lives by a heavy-handed, intrusive federal government. We believe that power should be closer to the people. We believe profoundly that we need to build on our strengths, the highest of which is a deep commitment to understand and care for each other. Things do not need to stay the same.