Mr. Speaker, I raise a point of order to seek the consent of the House for a small amendment to the Standing Orders which I think every patriotic member will support.
All of us participated enthusiastically today in the singing of "O Canada". Many of us, if not all of us, would like that to become a regular feature of the House just like the flag.
Eighteen months ago an amendment to this effect was referred to the Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs but nothing came of it.
I, therefore, seek the unanimous consent of the House for the following motion:
That Standing Order 30(1) be amended by adding immediately after the word "upon", the following:
On Wednesdays, immediately after Prayers, the Speaker shall cause Canada's national anthem to be played or sung in the House.
That Standing Order 30(2) be amended by deleting all the words after the word "prayers" and substituting the following:
Or on Wednesdays after Canada's national anthem has been sung or played, the business of the House shall commence.
And that the clerk be authorized to make any consequential amendments to the Standing Orders in this regard.
If this was the only piece of business we did on this particular day, I think it would be a good piece of business for Canada.