Mr. Speaker, today is referendum day in Quebec. All Canadians await anxiously the results of this vote.
I have received many letters and phone calls on this subject. I would like to share one such letter from the Canadian city of Montreal.
Canada is a nation made up of numerous nationalities besides French and English, people who left their native countries to contribute their intelligence, energy and talent to their new nation, Canada, to build a better life in peace for themselves and for their children.
When they were separated from their homelands they had in mind a new project of integration because they believed that unity is a strength and to live in a united and strong Canada would bring them both strength and prosperity. After years of contributing to the growth and success of la belle province, it is heartbreaking to see those who would destroy our nation Canada.
As we have built this nation together we must vote to keep this country united.
The letter is signed by the Assadourian family.
I urge all Quebecers to reflect on these thoughts.