Mr. Speaker, the Canadian government has a responsibility to ensure that jobs are created in Canada and that jobs are kept. That is our responsibility. And as politicians it is very important for us to know what we are doing for businesses in Quebec, because the important thing is to keep those salaries and jobs in Quebec.
I was once Minister of Industry, Trade and Commerce, and that was quite a few years ago. When Canadair was closing its doors, which would have had a disastrous impact on Spar Industries, we managed to save Canadair. When General Dynamics was leaving Canada, as Minister of Industry I took action, and today, Canadair is the best company in Quebec. And Canadair buys services from Spar. We want those jobs to be kept. This is very important.
In fact, the workers themselves admitted as much, because when I left politics, members of the Canadair employees' union asked me to work for them, and they told me: "You are aware of our needs. When we needed you, you were there. We want you to keep working for us". I am concerned about workers' wages, about high tech jobs for Quebec and ensuring that the markets will still be there, not only in Canada but throughout the world, for the benefit of the economy and the people of Quebec, especially in the Montreal region.